I don’t exactly understand why this particular post made it all the way up the rankings to be the sixth most read post on my blog in 2024, as substantively it isn’t anywhere near as interesting to me as most of the other posts in the top ten, which discuss more novel or esoteric aspects of ERISA or insurance litigation. However, my best guess is that it was popular because it focused on one of the most evergreen, yet often misunderstood, topics in ERISA litigation – the role and impact of arbitrary and capricious review. I have a lot I could and would like to say on that topic, both today and every day, but that would require me to sit down and write for a while, something I have already done once today so as to write this LinkedIn post on the insurance markets in the face of pandemics and wildfires. So instead, without further delay, here is the sixth most popular post on my blog during 2024, “What Does Arbitrary and Capricious Review Really Mean, Anyway?”
Boston ERISA and Insurance Litigation Blog’s Top Ten Countdown for the New Year – The Sixth Most Popular Post of 2024