When I was a very junior (probably first year) lawyer, one of the founding deans of the modern policyholder practice, Jerry Oshinsky, when he found out I was working on the concept of partial equitable subrogation in the context of insurance losses, laughed and said he considered the entire subject to be “black magic,” more
What Is the Value Added of an Insurance Broker?
What does an insurance broker do, anyway? Many people – even those who run businesses – think of them as simply people who help them place their insurance, and then they forget about them once that annual ritual is finished. But its not quite that simple, and companies who approach risk management from that perspective …
Reinsurance, Arbitrations and the Ever Increasing Authority of the Arbitrator
There has been a literal rush of interesting decisions out of the First Circuit and the Massachusetts District Court in the last few weeks, and I am going to try to catch up and comment on them over the next few days. One that jumped out at me, for various reasons, is a decision on whether…
Reinsurance and LaRue, All in the Same Post
Instead of posting twice in the same morning, I am going to try to address two distinct substantive issues, one involving reinsurance and the other ERISA, all in the same post, hopefully without turning this post into some sort of Frankenstein monster combination of topics that instead should have been kept entirely separate.
On the…